About Us

Hysteria is a community laboratory that specializes in youth empowerment based on collectivity and has great concern in art and city issues.

This communal has been running since 11 September 2004. Originally initiated by Yuswinardi in a form of publishing literature leaflet . A year later there are some other member join in, Heri CS, Sutiyono Sajad, and Adin, and since then Hysteria not only publish zines, but also actively organized various art activities.
Mid-2008, the group rented a house in Stonen street number 29, which functioned as an art space and discourse. This room is the continuation of the art project ‘Grobak Art’, which is a place of selling “Nasi Kucing” (tiny wrapped rice) cat, at Jalan Atmodirono since 2007.

In 2011, Under the coordination of Adin, Hysteria officially incorporated. The activities of this institution include: discussions, appreciation, exhibitions, workshops, festivals, and a variety of community facilitation.
As a commitment to the issue of the city, along with Rujak Center for Urban Studies and others, Hysteria midwifed the birth of ‘Unidentified Group Discussion’ which eventually transformed into platforms of ‘Peka Kota’ that the program initially focused on the issue of the village.

Until recently, there are various institutions who have worked with us, such as Hivos, Rumah Lebah, Rujak Center for Urban Studies, Ushahidi, Ford Foundation, Sampoerna for Indonesia, Kelola Foundation, Kontras, Goethe Institute, and many others.

Direktur: A Khairudin / Adin

General Manager: Tommy Ari Wibowo  admin: Istiqbalul F. Asteja finance:  Hananingsih Widhiasri space manager: TAW research dept: Pujo Nugroho Departemen Artlab dan Riset: Hana, Arief Hadinata, Humam Zidni Ahmad, Wan Fajar, Arif Budiman, Dibyo Stokemaki, Aprodita Syams Azizah, Purna Cipta Nguraha, Yuswinardi Direktur Bukit Buku: Istiqbalul F. Asteja Pekakota Institute: Nella Ardiantanti Siregar

Office :
Stonen street No. 29, Bendanngisor, Gajahmungkur, Semarang, 50233
+624 8316860
Email : hysteriakita59@gmail.com
Twitter : @grobakhysteria
Facebook : Kolektif Hysteria
Instagram: Kolektif Hysteria