SCREENING A.M Afgan Star (Selasa, 30 Mei 2017) Pembicara: Dania Sindi Qistina Opening: King of the Kong Kaddisch fur einen Freund (Rabu, 31 Mei 2017) Pembicara: Muhammad Yogi Fajri Opening: Pemberontak Kedua Belas 19.00 wib – tamat Grobak Art Kos Jl. Stonen / 29, Bendanngisor, Gajahmungkur, Semarang Summary: Afgan Star – Melihat lebih jauh fenomena
SCREENING A.M Afgan Star (Selasa, 30 Mei 2017) Pembicara: Dania Sindi Qistina Opening: King of the Kong Kaddisch fur einen Freund (Rabu, 31 Mei 2017) Pembicara: Muhammad Yogi Fajri Opening: Pemberontak Kedua Belas 19.00 wib – tamat Grobak Art Kos Jl. Stonen / 29, Bendanngisor, Gajahmungkur, Semarang Summary: Afgan Star – Melihat lebih jauh fenomena
KETENTUAN Hasil karya sendiri (plagiat akan langsung didiskualifikasi dan sanksi sosial) – Menjadikan Kota Lama Semarang sebagai bagian setting maupun tema dari cerita. – Tidak mengandung SARA. – Tidak mengandung bahasa kekerasan verbal dan juga tema seks eskplisit. – Karya ditulis dalam Microsoft word, times new roman, ukuran huruf 12, spasi 1.0, minimal karakter 5000.
Working Through Vacation
If we see mural art in public spaces is certainly a refreshing for our sights. The walls were shabby and dirty transformed into a more colorful and more festive. Behind the scenes of the change in public spaces into a more enjoyable sight, there must be someone or groups role. ‘One Day Art Project Crew’
One Day Art Project
(Curatorial introduction by Tommy Ari Wibowo) One Day Art Project (O.D.A.P) is the name of the activity that is initiated by the Arief Hadinata aka Hokage and Pemuda Serbaguna collective. They had been long enough engaging in street art movement Semarang. Art Vacation is a concept that they choose to O.D.A.P activity. As the name
Launching Lacikata – LACIKATA as a community initiated by Hysteria, after closed coordination meeting with the members (Vivi, Ganz, and Arif), finally LACIKATA officially established with the community launch event on Saturday, April 30th, 2011. The event was held in Stonen street / 29, Sampangan. The event started with a presentation session that explains the vision,