SCREENING A.M Afgan Star (Selasa, 30 Mei 2017) Pembicara: Dania Sindi Qistina Opening: King of the Kong Kaddisch fur einen Freund (Rabu, 31 Mei 2017) Pembicara: Muhammad Yogi Fajri Opening: Pemberontak Kedua Belas 19.00 wib – tamat Grobak Art Kos Jl. Stonen / 29, Bendanngisor, Gajahmungkur, Semarang Summary: Afgan Star – Melihat lebih jauh fenomena
Screening Till The End
After screening is conducted,a discussion is accustomed to be held to talk about anything that was captured by the audiences from the cinema that screened. its form could be anything, from impressions of scenes, philosophical message, to other inconsequential things. Heima chosen by Adin, after screening the voters of the film would be the pivot