Kotak Listrik, Music, Programs

Kotak Listrik 3

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Hysteria – Unlike the previous occasion, this 3rd Kotak Listrik is held in conjunction with the 7th anniversary of Hysteria. The format of the gigs is also changed from pure experimental music event into multi-disciplinary art event. Performers include ASA theater of IAIN Walisongo campus, Elektrokids, Brongot Setan Kober aka BSK, Terror Incognita, Electrical address, Dipo theater of Undip Campus, Fotokopi, pantomime by Adi Nagoro of Jogja, Luluk Krapyak and Openk Hysteria, Bowo Kajangan, and Biscoti of Italy.
The event was opened by Elektrokids that plays electronic music is very evocative of interest for lifting and shaking the hands. Unfortunately the show had to pause because it coincides with the muslim evening call to prayer. The quiet atmosphere occur when ASA theater showcase their acting. They seemed to remind us that a lot of inequality in this archipelago. Then Fotokopi take place as the next performer, they use rap style and connecting various words, they often do the shrill scream. Followed by Dipo theater that proficiency in playing the role of theater and movement. They perform in their best, possessed the minds of viewers with a heavy and suggestive monologue of them. It isnt stop there, the viewers is mesmerized by appearance of Bowo Kajangan process the maturity in motion.

Bowo Kajangan charisma cast a lot of attention from the audience, even some car and motorcycle driver stop for a moment to see him play the fire, as the fire burns all the bad things we have done in the past. Electrical Address, as the following performer,try to show the impression through their electronic music that we can remember the past as a learning material.

The event was festive and make Representative of Disbudpar of Semarang, Mr. Kasturi, impressed. Then followed by the oration by Adin that vibrant and try to resume the action of Bowo Kajangan by burning the youth spirit in the KB park that evening. Then followed by a cake cutting ceremony. The event did not stop there, still followed by the performance by Lulu Krapyak and Openk. They both want to visualize the history of which attempt to be abolished during the reign of the new order.

They also try to remind how poor society painstakingly build Indonesia and their role easily taken over by the authorities of vanity. The audience’s euphoria by Lulu Krapyak and Openk performance is still in the air, then Adi Nagoro try to take control by playing mime, his performance entitled ‘Communisto Phobia’. The audience are invited to not to drag on the matters of communist paradigm in Indonesia. Then there is Orgytext presenting abstractions in guitar and words play. Yes, Bentar and Pop is fairly adept in abstracting reality into Orgytext kind of joke.

The predecessor is reappearing. They are such a spirit that gloom and start to green again by the invitations that keep on continuing. That’s how we interpret BSK performance in this event. Many of their fans who missed the appearance of Yuli and friends in BSK, an instant insanity that appear like a sleeping mountain that erupt and fire up the audience to stomp the ground, sway the body follow the bass sound that booming. Look like nostalgia, when the expiration of BSK appearance followed by Terror Incognita, Bemby and friends able to resume the atmosphere that had been lit . Through electronic sounds, rapping that coherent like a series of machine guns barrage, as well as a girl’s voice that seemed troubled.
When the audience is already a little tired, Biscoti as the last performer, with her skill, plays electronic music to revive the spirit that has started flagging. Tiny Italian girl and her little voice is also very fascinating to the point that the audience took to the dance floor to share the fun of the evening. Having brought over some of his favorite songs, Biscoti asked to sing again. “We want more …!” The crowd chanted. Al result, the fun continues until approximately 22:50.

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